All Things Writing

In addition to traveling when I can, I belong to a terrific writing group called To Live and Write.

In this group we explore our creative sides to produce fiction, non-fiction, poetry, blogs–anything that our muses nudge us to write.

So if you’ve come to the blog to explore my travel adventures with me, I encourage you to also dip into this facet of my life and share it with me, too.

For now, I’m including Flash Lit–quick stories of 500 words or less inspired by prompts our To Live and Write coach Bronwyn Emery gives us. We  have three days to produce each one throughout the month.  So check out the these from October 20121

October Flash Lit #1–If the Shoe Fits

Oct ’21 Flash Lit #5–Many Hands

(I’ll be filling in October’s Flash Lit before the month is over!)